Being stuck in the house is really boring I know. So I decided to record another one of my abs workouts that we can do together and add it to my blog for future reference. To be honest, my track and field season is getting postponed. It’s frustrating and it sucks. I’ve been trying to not let the frustration consume me and continue to work hard and catch up on some of the things that I could do more of. Which for me and probably a lot of other people is core exercises.

I am going to write another blog post in the next couple of days about the benefits of core exercises. This is so that when you do the core exercises, you have a purpose and a reason behind why this quick ab workout is important. I always find that when I understand the reasoning behind doing something, It is easier for me to commit to doing the task at hand.
This core workout really had my abs burning which is a great thing. I’m also thinking about making an EXTREME version of all of this and/or making an AsToldByDom – 7 Day ab challenge next week. I really think that would be a really fun thing to do in the morning/afternoon/night that way we can all go after our goals together.

Summer waits for no one people and I would hate to have the #domsquad not have the perfect resources to be their best selves.
Below I am going to add the workout video and then the workout in text. That way you can do the ab workout whenever you want and you don’t have to watch the video. HOWEVER, just letting you know, doing abs with your partner (me) is always a lot easier than by yourself.
Unless you like doing core by yourself….then I won’t be offended. haha
Without further ado… here we go
Set 1
- 10 Shoulder Taps on each side
- 10 Mountain climbers on each side
****repeat set 1 *****
Set 2
- 10 straight leg sit-ups on each side
- 10 Penguins on each side
****repeat set 2*****
30 Second Break
Set 3
- 10 Sprinter sit-ups on each side
- 10 Side dips on each side
- 10 Windshield wipers on each side
****repeat set 3*****
30-second break
Set 4
1. 1-minute Plank
I hope you guys enjoyed that workout. If you are looking for another one to do after this one. Click this quick 10 minute ab + leg at home workout link and get to work!
You guys are so amazing always remember that!
Signing off,