Welcome back to another week of the Intense Ab Challenge! This week we are doing 600 reps of abs.
Get pumped and get ready because this one is definitely going to a little crazy.
But Have no fear because we are going to get through this Killer ab challenge together!
As always here are the recommendations to do well in this challenge.
1. Start at week 1 – unless you already are starting at a super high level then you can start here too. here is the link to week 2 as well.
2. Make sure you are doing this intense ab workout 2 or 3 times a week. That way your body can get used to the number of reps and increasing your rep load won’t feel like that much.
3. Take as many breaks as you need to. No one is asking you to go above and beyond what you are physically capable of in a given period of time. So honor your body and take as many breaks as you need.
4. Try the challenge with a friend or family member. You will be able to get through this challenge way easier if someone is with you.
5. Remember to have fun!
Below is the list of the 600 rep Ab Circuit. Enjoy and remember if you want to do the workout along with me. You can watch the video and we can do it together in 15 minutes.
Killer Ab Workout Circuit 600 reps:
- 100 Russian twist
- 50 suitcases
- 50 toe touches
- 100 penguins
- 50 leg lifts
- 50 crunches
- 50 shoulder taps
- 50 Plank Dips
- Breather 30 seconds
- 1-minute plank
Video Linked Here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc8-bTt53RY&feature=youtu.be
#fitnesschallenge #intenseabworkouts #abworkout #athomeworkouts