Feeling more tired than usual during quarantine? Going to be earlier than usual or even later than usual? Lately, I have been finding it really hard to wake up in the morning. Which feels insane when I am going to sleep so much earlier than usual.
I have been seeing so many social media posts lately where people have been feeling the exact same way. Research done by TheBMJ showed that fatigue can be induced and prolonged by stress or anxiety. It is your body’s way of dealing with something that is expending a lot more emotional or physical effort.
This quarantine really has changed most of our lives significantly and for some, it has been for the better and others not so much. However, no matter the situation it is important that we all stick together and support one another.
So instead of drinking that 5th cup of coffee that seems to not do anything nowadays, here are 5 ways to wake up in the morning without coffee!

Sitting in a dark room will naturally make you feel tired. But let me tell you about the SUN! That star does wonders for the body. Not only does the morning sun help you wake up naturally, but it also boosts your metabolism! Getting enough sunlight gives your body the natural vitamin D that it needs and promotes a positive and happy day.
Option 2: Ditch the Mug for a Glass it’s Beet Juice Time

There are so many benefits to drinking beet juice. My coach has my training partner and I drink it because of the crazy effects it has on your body’s energy and recovery levels. It is almost insane. Beet juice increases the oxygen levels to your blood vessels. This increased flow helps you feel more energetic and active which is super desired in the morning. All you need to do is drink 5 ounces of beet juice a day and you ill be set! I currently am drinking Lakewood Organic Beet Juice → you can get it at any major grocery store for about 4 dollars. And it tastes really good too.
Option 3: Take those shoes for a spin for a morning walk

Walking and outdoor activity have increased tremendously since the start of the stay at home order. Which means it is not that CRAZY that I recommended going for a walk in the morning. This one allows you to be active and get in your daily exercise. It increases your endorphins because hey endorphins make you happy, and it is a complete destresser. I find morning exercise or even just getting to head outside real fast changes my day tremendously. My mom is the inspiration for this one since she has dedicated her mornings and evenings to walking 3 miles a day to stay active and happy.
Option 4: Grab your wash rag and head into the shower

This has to be my most frequently used option when I decide I am not going to have coffee or my coffee has not worked at all and I need an instant pick me up boost. I put the shower on warm not SCORCHING hot like I usually do and hope in the shower for some peaceful meditation and rinse off. It never fails to do its job to make me feel awake and ready to conquer the day. With the stay-at-home order in full force, I doubt a lot of you are showering every day ….so this might be just what you need. haha just kidding… kind of.
Option 5: Play that Funky Music

Definitely an old school way of waking up. But when all else fails, play that funky music! Playing music that generally makes you happy and alive will help you to wake up. Maybe even try changing your alarm clock to a song that you wouldn’t mind hearing in the morning. I would definitely recommend changing it every 2 weeks or so because …. It could get old and no one has time to be getting annoyed by their favorite songs.
Drinking coffee is one way to combat this but instead of getting all the negative side effects (take it from a coffee addict like me) Finding different ways to wake up in the morning is super essential. On that note, remember to stay safe and healthy and always do what is best for you! I truly believe that is the most important thing to do during this time. Let’s all get creative and find ways to better our situations day in and day out!
You are awesome!
Signing off,