• Content Creating

    How to grow your Pinterest Following fast! 0 – 30k followers [EXACT BLUEPRINT]

    Pinterest is probably one of the most best-kept secrets when it comes to business and brand marketing. Whether you realize it or not, there are TONS and I mean TONS of people every single day that head onto their Pinterest app to search for new ideas and inspiration. Pinterest has made an amazing algorithm that rewards creators for posting and sharing content that is unique and motivational. Unlike its social media cousins, they aren’t so much concerned about comments and shallow engagement. The audience on Pinterest is eager and willing to learn and more or less buy, given they find the right thing they want to purchase. In this post,…

  • Healthy Lifestyle,  Lifestyle,  Recent Post

    5 Easy Ways to Eat Healthy On a Small Budget

    Eating healthy can seem so expensive. When I stopped using my meal plan in college I had to figure out how to eat healthy within my limited budget, which at the time was around $200 to $250 dollars a month. When I tell you I was not trying to spend a ton of money, I REALLY wasn’t. So for all of you out there trying to figure out how you can spend less and still have nutritious and healthy meals, well I have 5 super easy tips and tricks for you all today. [1] How to Eat Healthy on a Budget: Adopt Meal Planning – Planning out your meals each…

  • Favorite Products,  Fitness,  Seasonal

    Amazing Gift Guide For People Who Love Fitness

    Wondering what to buy for your favorite fitness-loving person? It can be super hard to figure out what to buy for them when it seems they have everything from the best activewear /athleisure to the most innovative workout equipment. Well with the holidays coming up, I created for you a fitness Gift Idea Guide with 10 amazing fitness-inspired gifts that people who love fitness, health, and overall an active lifestyle would love to unwrap this festive season. Some of the fitness and health inspired gifts on this fitness gift guide come at a variety of price tags, so there will definitely be something for everyone’s budget. DISCLAIMER: Links included on…

  • Healthy Lifestyle,  Recent Post

    The Exclusive On What You Need To Know About Losing Weight

    With countless fad diets rampaging through the internet, I bet you’re lost in a sea of confusion on how to achieve your goal body. Don’t worry I was there too. I would mindlessly scroll through Pinterest looking for the next new thing to magically help me achieve the body I needed to reach my athletic and fitness goals. Safe to say none of them actually worked and caused a lot of heartaches, hunger pains, and grief. I’m here to tell you that the solution to losing weight, leaning out, and achieving your body goals is a lot easier than you think. There is no magic pill, weird substance, or body…

  • Fitness,  Recent Post

    What To Do When You’ve Had A Bad Workout – 3 Things To Remember On A Bad Day

    If you are reading this… you’ve probably had a bad workout and don’t ‘t know what to do. Well, this is for you! So recently, I had a bad workout. I ran really slow and didn’t hit any of the times I wanted to hit. While usually, I am a pretty positive and optimistic person, I found myself really beating myself up about how practice went. I started thinking about all the things outside of my routine that I probably should have done differently to run faster. If I want to qualify for the Olympics then I shouldn’t be allowed to have a slow day or in my case a…