Good Evening my beautiful human beings. Domonique here with a fall edition Nighttime Self Care Routine.
I have been working on my self-care game for a while now. Always looking for new ways to treat my body with the love and respect it deserves. As we enter a new season in a couple of days, it’s important for us to recognize that our summer self is a bit different than our fall self.
Not that we completely become different human beings but our self-care changes a bit. The nights are longer and the days are shorter. You may not always have the same amount of energy as you did before. And well, your daily lifestyle is even more focused on being indoors.
So let’s relax and start vibing with 7 nighttime self-care routine ideas for the fall.

#1 Slip into your COMFIEST and COZIEST Pajamas.
When it comes to fall cozy pajamas are rule number 1. It’s getting colder and to be honest soft fabrics on the skin feel absolutely heavenly. Not only do pajamas help bring your warmth and overall great vibes. They’re also a great addition to any routine. Putting on a set of pajamas can bring structure and balance. I find that when I do put on a pajama set I am more prepared and oddly more put together. Even though we are just going to bed. Sometimes that little bit of structure can help you sleep better at night.
*I would look for sets at TJ MAXX or even marshals. They have great prices all the time and the cutest matching sets to choose from.
#2 Watch your favorite fall time movie
I truly love watching movies in the fall time. There is something about the brisk air and cool aesthetic that makes movie watching 100x more enjoyable. A general rule of thumb is to make sure you complete the movie about an hour before you actually want to go to bed. This is because TV right before bed can actually disrupt your sleeping pattern. Don’t be frighten it’s not that serious. But most research shows you should try to get a power-down hour an hour before you completely shut down for bed. I have found that watch a calming or even humours movie along with some of the other ideas makes me feel happy and puts me in a generally good mood before bed. Which is why I recommend giving it a try. My favorite fall movies are usually romantic comedys, Crazy Rich Asians is probably my favorite. Even if it a year or two old.
#3 Drink Peppermint tea or your favorite herbal tea before bed
There are many benefits to drinking herbal tea before bed . I linked to a website that gives you all of the benefits of drinking tea. I typically drink peppermint tea before bed because of its calming effect and debloating nature. So give it a try and tell me what you think. Drinking tea and and playing some calming music is a great duo that can be added to your night time routine. Also the warmness will help you fall asleep easier.
#4 Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and throw on a facemask
Anyone elses skin super dry in the fall. When the seasons get colder the skin just seems to get drier. By washing your face with a gentle cleanser you will strip all the unnecessary oils from your face and give your face mask a beautiful pallate to work on. I personally use neutrogrena hydrating cleanser because it leaves my face glowing and fresh before I do the rest of my skin care. As for face mask I typically buy whatever one catches my eye at target on any given day. I know we probably agree that target skin care runs are probably the best. Also by skin care i mean skin care + all the other random things you end up buying during that trip.
Click Photo for Link to The Cleanser I Use –>
#5 Light an amazing smelling candle and listen to an audio book/relaxing music
Candles are a great way to set the mood before bed time. I do this just to set the relaxing mood. I have switched all my candles to fall smells. Apple cider/apple pie, pumpkin spice, even a candle call fall smells haha. I really love the enviorment it creates and puts you into a movie like state. Then I recommend playing an audio book or turning on some chill music. This will also putyou in a relaxing state before bed and make it easier to fall asleep. (PLEASE BLOW OUT YOUR CANDLES BEFORE YOU GO TO BED). I am currently reading a book called Children of Blood and Bones –> (Linked) you can get it on amazon or audible. If you like fantasy, magic and thrilling adventures then this is the book for you.
#6 Stretch
As an athlete, I stretch constantly. My favorite time to do it is before bed. You’re more relaxed and probably bendier from the shower you just took because your muscles are warmer. This is a good time to just think and give your body some movement before sleeping likea log for 8+ hours. Stretching can be theraputic and endorphin generating. So turn on a relaxing bedtime flow on youtube, search something on pinterest or just improvise and get that good strech going.
#7 Pray or Meditate
Before bed I take the time to either meditate or pray. Sometimes there are things I really want to talk about and other times I find that I feel more grounded staying still. Everyone has their own ways of finding piece and sometimes talking to yourself or a higher power can help relax and set you in a better space for some quality sleep. I found the meditating usually on my bed with my eyes close is a great way to relax your body before you go to sleep and get super comfortable.
Pro Tip: I have been taking a sweet liking to these amazing diffusers. They are a ecofriendly and safe alternative to lighting a candle before bed. This is the one I use (linked in photo) But there are many other ones for sale.
I truly hope these ideas inspire your own Night time routine this fall. I want to leave this quote with you all here. “give yourself the same care and attention you give others, and then watch yourself bloom”. You are important and worthy. Love you and see you next week with another blog post <3
Signing off,
*Say hi to me on instagram @domoniquepanton_ or follow for more inspiration on Pinterest @astoldbydom Love you all.
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