• All About Food

    Full-Day of Vegan Recipes

    For Full What I ate during this day Video >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2Nf1W6gj4E Have you been feeling like you have been eating the same foods EVERY SINGLE DAY! I know I have and man, has it been tough and kind of boring. So I decided to shake things up this week and do a meatless/Vegan day. Basically, I decided to eat a vegan meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and all my snacks. The benefits of practicing veganism or being vegan are that it can lower your cholesterol and even your blood pressure. Which is very important in supporting and promoting happy and healthy lifestyles. While I still will continue to consume…

  • All About Food

    How To Make Whipped Coffee

    Hello Everyone, Domonique here with an exciting new update! I have decided that outside of being an athlete and health care worker I would also dabble in the culinary world! From this day forward, please call me chef Domonique! For my first recipe, I tried to replicate, I present to you the Frappe… or as most of the population has been referring to it as Whipped Coffee. Whipped Coffee has taken the media by storm for its aesthetically pleasing appearance and process. So of course as an avid coffee drinker and recently acclaimed chef, I had to try it. –> Step by step below – BIG RECIPE AT THE BOTTOM…

  • Mentality + Self Care

    A Message for Those Who are Feeling Overwhelmed Right Now

    This week’s post is a little different. It is more of a big RED FLASHING sign that is telling you that REST IS PRODUCTIVE TOO! I wanted to write to the people who might be feeling overwhelmed with the increased amount of “perceived” free time we are currently having. I say perceived in quotations because the time has always been there, we are just more conscious of it now. I felt like it was important to get this message out that resting/taking a break is still productivity. Your body and mind, even if you might not be experiencing any stress at this moment, love to rest. It loves to take…

  • All About Food

    I Drank A Gallon of Water For a Week… here are the results!

    This past week, I decided that I wanted to drink a gallon of water every day for an entire week. My reasoning was because, through all the stress and uncertainty from the week before, I only drank ice coffee. Not good, I know. My water intake was very very low. I also heard that drinking a gallon of water a day had many benefits. Such as : 1. Boost your energy level 2. Get’s rid of the toxins in your body 3. Make you less hungry 4. Maintain and/or lose bodyweight So through all of this, I figured, now that I’m in quarantine, this might time to test this out.…

  • Fitness

    5 Best Ways to Alleviate Sore Muscles

    No matter how hard you try, sore muscles get the best of us. They make doing regular life hard and doing a workout even harder. As an athlete, I am well acquainted with the world of sore muscles and what to do when your entire body is ridden with them. Before I dive into the 5 AMAZING tips there is some information about sore muscles that I want to share with you. First, is that sore muscles are a side effect of putting stress on our body when you exercise. That being said if you put that continuous stress on your body consistently your muscles tend to become less and…