• All About Food

    5 Must-Have Healthy Snacks To Have In Your Pantry

    Has your snacking been at an all-time high lately? Since self-isolation started the urge to consume more snacks than I ever eaten before has been so hard to resist. From salty to sweet from fruit to processed chips, they have all, at some point in this isolation, have found their way into my stomach. Honestly, it’s almost like my body is subconsciously also looking for things to do in its downtime. At the beginning of self-isolation, I was pretty reckless with what I was putting in my body. I didn’t think much about it, to be honest. However, after a week or so in, the high sugar consumption and a…

  • Mentality + Self Care

    3 Tips on How To Deal With Burnout

    Ever get hit with waves of demotivation, where the things that you once loved just seem tedious and unappealing? Not gonna lie, this happens to me from time to time. I get these spells, where my hobbies, job, and sport feel absolutely draining. It is usually a gradual decline where the days get harder and harder. Usually a week into the spiral I notice that I am definitely fizzling away. I’ve noticed that there is usually a certain pattern to it or different events that bring it on, which has equipped me with my own arsenal of ways to carefully relight my fire and get me back to normal. Being…

  • All About Food

    How to know if you are Intermittent Fasting or just not eating?

    Noticing a change in your sleep schedule and eating habits? Well, you’re not alone. For the past couple of weeks, my sleep schedule has DRAMATICALLY changed. I use to go to bed at 10 pm and now I can find myself up falling asleep *naturally* at 2 am. Then wake up at around 9:30 to check my phone but let’s be honest 10:30 is when I actually decide to be productive with my life. With this being said, my later wake-up time has affected what time I eat breakfast. And lately, I haven’t actually had a desire to eat breakfast at typical breakfast times. Which ultimately just throws my entire…

  • Mentality + Self Care

    How To Take Care Of Your Body

    Is it just me or are these quarantine snacks slowly becoming breakfast, lunch, and dinner? For me, that becomes a GREATER possibility on days where training is light. So this past week, I decided to correct that and take a deeper look into my habits and look to bring back some of the habits I used to have before the quarantine. If you think of your body like a temple, then you have to honor it by giving it the care it needs to grow and be great. ESPECIALLY, during times like these. I mean, it is the LEAST we could do for ourselves. Today I present to you 4…

  • Lifestyle,  Mentality + Self Care

    5 Ways to Wake Up Without Coffee

    Feeling more tired than usual during quarantine? Going to be earlier than usual or even later than usual? Lately, I have been finding it really hard to wake up in the morning. Which feels insane when I am going to sleep so much earlier than usual. I have been seeing so many social media posts lately where people have been feeling the exact same way. Research done by TheBMJ showed that fatigue can be induced and prolonged by stress or anxiety. It is your body’s way of dealing with something that is expending a lot more emotional or physical effort. This quarantine really has changed most of our lives significantly…