Content Creating

How to grow your Pinterest Following fast! 0 – 30k followers [EXACT BLUEPRINT]

Pinterest is probably one of the most best-kept secrets when it comes to business and brand marketing. Whether you realize it or not, there are TONS and I mean TONS of people every single day that head onto their Pinterest app to search for new ideas and inspiration.

Pinterest has made an amazing algorithm that rewards creators for posting and sharing content that is unique and motivational. Unlike its social media cousins, they aren’t so much concerned about comments and shallow engagement.

The audience on Pinterest is eager and willing to learn and more or less buy, given they find the right thing they want to purchase.

In this post, I want to share with you guys the fast and simplest way I grew my following on Pinterest from 0 followers to 30,000 followers in the span of 5 months.

While none of this came without work, I do not think it’s fair to not share this knowledge of wealth that I do have in regards to the Pinterest algortithm and how it works in our favor as creators.

The first thing that I utilize when building my following was to first think about the monthly viewers. You might be thinking, ” Dom, that metric feels like it means nothing”.

I would like to beg the differ. The monthly views on Pinterest are a great way to measure how many eyes are on your profile at any given 30 day period. The more eyes on your profile the higher chance you will gain amazing followers.

Loyal followers also mean more consistent eyes on your pins. Which is the goal is it not. You are reading this because you want to share that amazing information you have with the world and the only way to do that is to get your stuff in front of the right audience.

Lowkey, that’s all life is! Get your idea in front of the right people and BOOM! you are off to a great start.

I’ll be making another post on how you can increase your monthly views in a quick and effective way, so stay tuned.

After you focus on increasing your monthly views. That could be something like getting it from 436 monthly views to 1000 or even 2000 monthly views. You will probably see a slight, if not minor increase in followers.

I gained around 15-20 followers. Slow but they trickled in!

The next thing I did was posting consistently. The Pinterest algorithm rewards creators that post consistently on their app.

You might now be thinking well how much is enough and what kind of consistency.

Well in the beginning I was posting potentionally 3 pins a day that were mine and 2 would be repost. Every single day became really, freaking hard.

So I started using Tailwinds and that really helped me grow and not dip under 90k during months 2 and 3. There is not a shadow of a doubt that tailwinds are probably the best thing that happened to me. I will talk more about the benefits of Tailwinds in a later post! However, if you are looking for a streamlined process and a faster way to grow followers then getting on Tailwinds is the best.

Tailwind Visual Marketing Suite

The last thing that sky rocketed my performance and took me from my small following of 40 people to 10k in less than 30 days and now 30k a couple months later is Pin stories.

While you might not know what to post on pin story, the best rule of thumb is to figure out what story you really want to tell. Think about how you can connect with your ACTUAL audience.

Stay tuned for a more detailed post about Pinterest Stories under my content creator tab. [I’ll be sure to update you all in my newsletter when this is out]

In the end, the best thing about Pinterest is the fact that you can connect with the audience that you actually want to connect with.

Unlike it’s cousin social media apps, finding your niche and finding your people has never been easier.

You can easily request access given you have a business account with Pinterest and you can start creating today. Like seriously… TODAY!

I would like to warn you, poorly done pin stories don’t do well under the algorithm even when directed to the right people.

In the end, this is probably the fastest way I grew and I hope this blog post really helps understand the overall process of how I grew to 30k followers.

If you’ve made it down to the end, you are a real one! I will be posting a new blog post with a potential video that talks more about Pinterest and being a content creator on other social media platforms outside of our dear friend Instagram.

Signing off,
