So it’s been about 1 year since I “eased” my way into training for the Olympics.
And by eased I mean threw myself headfirst into a sea of unknowns.
This has been a goal of mine that I’ve had since I was young, watching the track athletes run across the screen or at meets and I just knew that someday that was going to be me.
Little did I know, I was going to be jumping rather than running. For those of you guys who don’t know what triple jump is. Triple jump is an event in Track and field where the athlete runs at a fast pace towards board that is usually 24-36 feet away from a sandpit and performs a Hop-Skip-Jump technique to make it into the sand.
I have been training in the triple jump for about 8 years now. I still have so much to learn and have so much room for growth.
However, I wanted to write this update because I have made some really crazy changes in my 1 year of training.
For starters,
- I am way better at the techniques I’ve been working on. Still have a long way to go but it’s nice to see the progress.
- I have more power in my phases and my contacts are quick and aggressive (even though I’m still trying to get them even quicker and aggressive)
- I have so much more muscle than I did last year which I didn’t even know was possible. Like guys, my PR in the hang clean is now 185lbs! That’s absolutely wild when I could barely do 135 in college.
- My knowledge of the event and the key historical athlete in my event has grown exponentially.
- I am more confident and determined than ever.
I’ve met people who have made me believe in myself more than ever before and I’ve met people who I realized may not be the best for me in this Olympic journey. I have definitely learned to say no better than ever before.
With that being said, I’m grateful for this crazy change because the beginning months of training and living in DC would rank in the top of worse months in my life. I would pretend that everything was okay and I would put on this joyful face for everyone on the internet just to kind of feel normal and not to worry anyone.
I was learning a new technique which was HARD AF. I was tired all the time. The job I had, had salary payment problems for 4 months so I had to work odd jobs (3 jobs at that time) to make money to pay my part of the rent and living expenses while training full time. Guys, I was literally walking 10-14 dogs a day, worked part-time, while watching dogs in my apartment to make money. like walking all day and then practicing was insane.
I was a wreck.
I say all that not for pity but because it was not the easiest time in the beginning. All I wanted to do was go home and forget about my dream, get a different job, and forget about the Olympics and live a normal 22-year-old life. (whatever that is)
No matter how upset I got my family, boyfriend, and best friends were always there for me. They helped me through it all and reminded me of what reaching my goal meant.
Things literally did a 180 in December. Not only was I making better more stable money (1 regular great job) but I put some hard pieces of the TJ technique together, I found a new hobby and created my passion project// brand (astoldbydom.com) I did some deep reflecting and changed some habits that were negatively contributing to mental health. I also made some great friends in DC due to my part-time position which they probably don’t even realize how much their jokes and laughed made my whole day.
To be honest, without this support system, I would not be doing what I’m doing here this year.
It really takes a village. It takes having the people that you love to remind you that pursuing your goals is worth it.
Right now, I am in such a great headspace, I’m excited, motivated, and in a completely different zone then I was last year.
I heard recently that every disappointment is a blessing. While COVID did screw a lot of things up like my first pro international meet. I am excited and pumped because I know there are going to WAY more international meets in-store and I’m about to blow you all away.
In the end, I want you to remember that there is always something to be learned and gained from hardships. They are there to help you grow if you let it. I feel like going after your goals and running headfirst towards your dream is what you should always do. You should embrace that drive and that desire to reach where you want to go. To become who you really want to be. Even when there are some wild bumps in the road. I believe in you.
Thank you for reading my update. Even though you don’t realize it, your apart of my journey and success as well. Every read, view, and share is encouraging and motivating.
You all rock and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you as well.
Love you + Signing off,