As an elite athlete that is training at an Olympic level, I am here to tell you that this is all up to personal preference. I know crazy but here me out. For you to succeed at your best you have to figure out what is best for you.
What I did to figure this out is a whole bunch of trial and error. So I am going to give you my exact meal or meals I eat before I work out for optimum performance. That way you can take a look and modify to your own personal needs.
For this process, I kept a journal that I used to write down my meals and how they made me feel before, during, and after my workout.

For Days that include running (speed):
I start my morning off with coffee, cause I need some to function. Not that much though, usually around 8oz -12oz. Usually coffee with a protein creamer and some time of fat. the one I use it Kitu Protein creamer which is linked in the name. It tastes really good and it helps keep my full and energized longer. I then grab a protein bar or breakfast bar (that includes more protein) and eat that as I go to workout. I have 4oz of Beet juice about 45 minutes before my workout.
The coffee that I drink is just because of routine and addiction to be honest, however, adding the protein creamer gives me the nutrients that I need. as for the breakfast bar, when running and doing a speed workout I want the least amount of big meal-type items in my stomach. I want to stay light and quick. I typically go for oats and grains for this. something that will give me slow-releasing energy and not make me feel hungry. Beet juice is a really great way to improve your oxygen intake during a workout so that’s a staple for me.
For Days of Power (lifting, CrossFit, etc)
I start my morning off with a coffee again and use the same kind of creamer. There are times where I switch out my coffee with a green smoothie just to change it up and get in my vegetables. Then I eat a bigger breakfast, usually eggs, turkey bacon avocado, and an English muffin.
I found that as I am doing exercises that require more power and more energy expense, it is in my best interest to consume more calories than on a speed day. Power base moves burn more calories and expend more energy even though your perception of energy being expended is not the same. I try to hit all the necessary dietary things you need so carbs, grain, protein, and fat in order to give me enough stored energy to perform at my highest during that workout.
For Days of Leisure
They typically look either like a lighter version of my power days. This is usually oatmeal and maybe an egg or some cereal, something that taste good and satisfies my hunger. And well, of course, Coffee, because who doesn’t love coffee.
As I said early, keeping a journal record of what types of food make you feel and perform a certain way is an important part of learning your body as well as getting the best out of your performance. I won’t tell you what exactly you should eat but I hope that my meal habits inspire you to create and learn your own.
As always I will see you next week with a new blog post!
Signing off,
Tell me what your favorite workout meal is too. I’m always looking for new breakfast foods to try.
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