Scrub-a-dub-dub …. you have no … tub?
It’s a luxury you probably didn’t know actually was a luxury.
Dorm-residing college students….
Modern apartment owners…..
the unfortunate (unless it is your preference) tubless homeowner, all understand that without a tub residing in your home. Tubs can be few and far in-between.
So if you’re looking for ways to hydro-recover and save some time, let’s hit the showers and learn about three of my favorite ways to Hydro-recover.
Keep reading for 3 ways to hydro-recover that don’t require a tub!
Number 1: Shower Contrasting
Contrasting is by far my favorite hydro-recovery shower technique. It not only helps increase blood flow to your vital organs and muscles, but it also helps eliminate toxins and boost your immune system. The warm water widens your blood vessels. Allowing more blood to flow to your muscles and tissues. While the cold water tightens the blood vessels and restricts blood flow. That oscillation reduces inflammation and reduces soreness.
1. Hot-water for 3 minutes
2. Cold-water for 1 minute
3. Repeat 4 times
4. ALWAYS finish on cold