Fitness,  Seasonal

5 Tips On How To Stay On Track During The Holidays

The holidays are a magical time. Friends. Family. And an abundant amount of food.

It can sometimes feel increasing hard to keep up with your healthy eating habits during this time. BUT! Have no fear! Domonique is here to give you 5 easy tips and tricks to stay on the healthy track during this holiday season.


There is this common misconception that us, humans have an uncanny ability to save room for more food later. To be honest, skipping meals only encourages your body to gain weight instead of losing or maintaining it. The snowball effect continues because the hungrier you are the more likely you are to overeat. And, well that can me doubling or tripling your typical portion size. So be wary of skipping meals. Its always better to have a snack during your usual eating time then to skip a meal all together.

TIP 2: Utilize the 10-minute rule

When it comes to getting seconds I am the absolute queen. However, what I realized throughout my healthy journey, was that if I waited 10 minutes after finishing my plate and preoccupy that with light socializing or moving away from the food, the portion that I took were significantly smaller. The 10-minute rule is definitely not a concrete number but the more time you wait in between plates the less likely you are you dive into an overflowing second.

TIP 3: Stay Fit this “fit”mas

I thought I was super clever there! Staying fit or keeping yourself active can mean a lot of different things for different people. For me, it is following my training schedule and for others, it’s their daily run or walk. The cold months and the holiday season can feel like a time to bundle up and watch Netflix all day. However, by giving yourself some activity whether that’s a nice stroll around the block or a HIIT workout or for me a track workout, you give yourself an upper hand to the dark side of the holiday season.

Some tips

– Pinterest has some amazing at-home ab and HIIT workouts that can be done in the comfort of your own home/dorm

-Youtube workouts can be killer, give them a go if you are more a visual active individual

Plan a fun outdoor activity with your friends and family.

TIP 4: Get your rest!

This is a period of time that emotionally and financially demanding. High stress can lead to unhealthy choices and solidifying not so great habits. During this time find some time to take care of yourself. Enjoy your Zzz’s and maybe a facemask or two.

TIP 5: No Food is BAD Food!

In the end, Food is, just that, food. The numbers or any arbitrary association we have with them being good or bad is all based on a culture that relatively overeats. All food is good in moderation. Understanding what makes your heart happy in terms of what you put into it is sometimes just as important as filling your plate up with fruits and vegetables. Remember, even if you fall off track you can always get back on. Don’t be hard on yourself.