• Favorite Products,  Fitness

    3 Vitamin Supplements You Need To Be Taking

    Vitamin supplements get a weird rep. Either people tell you that you should be taking 5 billion different supplements or they tell you that they are a scam and you shouldn’t do it. I here to be that middle ground person and let you know that there are probably only 3 vitamins you really need to consider taking, as a woman, order to have your body consistently at it’s best. As an athlete and someone who regularly works out a ton, my body needs a variety of nutrients that may not sufficiently found in my diet. Seriously, even if I try my hardest to get all my vitamins in with…

  • Fitness

    5 Best Ways to Alleviate Sore Muscles

    No matter how hard you try, sore muscles get the best of us. They make doing regular life hard and doing a workout even harder. As an athlete, I am well acquainted with the world of sore muscles and what to do when your entire body is ridden with them. Before I dive into the 5 AMAZING tips there is some information about sore muscles that I want to share with you. First, is that sore muscles are a side effect of putting stress on our body when you exercise. That being said if you put that continuous stress on your body consistently your muscles tend to become less and…

  • Fitness

    4 Tips On How To Stay Motivated To Workout All Year Round

    When it comes to working out, there is always this little voice inside your head that tells you that maybe you should just chill and do it tomorrow. That one-day decision becomes a two-day decision, then three, then four and next thing you know, you’ve forgotten to workout for a MONTH. Continous motivation is not easy to have but, through being an athlete, I’ve picked up a couple of tips and tricks on staying motivated to work out all year round. Tip 1 – Write Down Your “why” Honestly, while this might sound super cheesy. However, writing down your why or the reason you are starting your fitness journey and…

  • Fitness

    How To Get a Bigger Butt

    Sometimes, all we want to do is to bounce that booty like a basketball, but some of us just don’t have it at all. I decided that I would look into some of the exercises I’ve done where I’ve seen strength and size increase in my glutes and do some research on other exercises that might be beneficial to you guys. So sit tight ladies and gents, cause I’m about to share with you 5 booty growing exercises you should incorporate into your gym routine. Back Squat 3 x 6 Hip Thrust 3 x 6 Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 6 RDLS 3 x 7 Barbell Jump Squats 3 x…

  • All About Food,  Fitness

    Should you Drink Coffee Before your Workouts?

    If you are dying to have better workouts or training sessions but don’t want to go down the rabbit hole of finding out what substances are legal. You don’t have to look any further than your pantry or your nearest Dunkin. Coffee might very well be your answer. As an athlete, it is something that I consume often in order to enhance my performance legally and safely. Coffee contains caffeine, which if you weren’t aware is a nervous system stimulant and the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive drug. Don’t be scared, it’s safe and best used in moderation. Coffee addictions are real, even I fall in and out of it.…