
4 Tips On How To Stay Motivated To Workout All Year Round

When it comes to working out, there is always this little voice inside your head that tells you that maybe you should just chill and do it tomorrow.

That one-day decision becomes a two-day decision, then three, then four and next thing you know, you’ve forgotten to workout for a MONTH.

Continous motivation is not easy to have but, through being an athlete, I’ve picked up a couple of tips and tricks on staying motivated to work out all year round.

Tip 1 – Write Down Your “why”

Honestly, while this might sound super cheesy. However, writing down your why or the reason you are starting your fitness journey and putting it somewhere that you can always see really does help with staying motivated. I have a sticky note on my mirror with my purpose and why I continue to pursue my track career post-college. I also have a giant vision board that is on my wall next to my bed that I can see every day. I’ve found that it reminds me to continue to work hard to achieve my goal.

Tip 2 – Write out your schedule the Sunday before

If you have a planner or a calendar, writing out your workout schedule ahead of time helps with keeping you accountable and keeps you motivated. In my experience writing or even typing something out in a calendar keeps me ready and prepared. I know what I’m going to do. I know the level of effort and focus I need and more importantly, I know what’s coming up. That keeps you motivated to continue your fitness journey because there is nothing sporadic about it. Also, it helps make being fit and working out a routine.

Tip 3 – The “I Can” Method

You can definitely think of this as being overly positive. However, I want to remove that narrative because I feel like it can have some bad connotations. The “I Can” Method is all about changing your perspective. When you think about working out and it sounds dreadful or just really hard. Say “This-is-fun” or “ I can do this” or “I get to do this”. These simple words even if at first they sound fake really change your brain’s initial response to physical activity.

I use this method SOOOO much.

Especially when I have to triple jump. When I think about triple jump I use to be like “ you want ME to apply that much FORCE into the ground… yeah right” after practicing this I go into it like “okay, I can apply that much force into the ground. This is fun and great and by doing this I will get closer to my goal” Then I execute.

Tip 4 – Don’t think… Just do

Whoa, I just told you about changing perspective and that requires thinking. HOWEVER, this tip is something I use if I honestly have been dreading working out for a prolonged period of time. I just do it. As in, if I don’t think and just get up get in my car head to the gym and just go for it. ONE it takes far less more time. Two, I’m already at the location I need to be to go work out. It is by far the best working method when all else has failed. Just bulldoze your way forward.

Staying fit and active really can be hard. If it was easy then everyone would be doing it and succeeding at it. It takes dedication and motivation, which isn’t always easy to come by. These tips should help you in sticking with your goal and staying motivated!

Remember you are awesome and you CAN do this!

Signing off,
