Let’s not front, we all have those days where your brain is like, “ YEAH LET’S EXERCISE” and your body is just like, “…nope”. And, let’s be serious, if your body and mind are not aligning when it comes to working out, 9 times out of 10, you probably won’t do it. I call this misalignment, the lazy spell and it occurs more often at the beginning of your fitness journey then it does at any other time! So in order to beat this spell, and still get a work out in with the least amount of effort. Your best friend (me – Domonique), has compiled 3 Lazy Person workout…
3 Exercise Myths You Wish You Knew Sooner
On our quest to become the best versions of ourselves, we have all fallen into an exercise trap here and there along the way. They suck. Trust me. If you read enough Pinterest articles you’ll even start to believe in some of these QUICK FIXES to losing weight, leaning up, or becoming a healthier you. I wanted to make a quick blog post of three exercise traps that I wish I knew way before I tested them out and learned the hard way. Myth 1: Sit-Ups + Crunches = 6 Pack This is just straight up a whole ass lie. (excuse my french). Whoever made this up has to be…
3 Ways To Hydro-Recover That Don’t Require A Tub!
Scrub-a-dub-dub …. you have no … tub? It’s a luxury you probably didn’t know actually was a luxury. Dorm-residing college students…. Modern apartment owners….. and…. the unfortunate (unless it is your preference) tubless homeowner, all understand that without a tub residing in your home. Tubs can be few and far in-between. So if you’re looking for ways to hydro-recover and save some time, let’s hit the showers and learn about three of my favorite ways to Hydro-recover. Keep reading for 3 ways to hydro-recover that don’t require a tub! Number 1: Shower Contrasting Contrasting is by far my favorite hydro-recovery shower technique. It not only helps increase blood flow to…
5 Tips On How To Stay On Track During The Holidays
The holidays are a magical time. Friends. Family. And an abundant amount of food. It can sometimes feel increasing hard to keep up with your healthy eating habits during this time. BUT! Have no fear! Domonique is here to give you 5 easy tips and tricks to stay on the healthy track during this holiday season. TIP 1: DON’T SKIP A MEAL TO SAVE ROOM FOR A FEAST There is this common misconception that us, humans have an uncanny ability to save room for more food later. To be honest, skipping meals only encourages your body to gain weight instead of losing or maintaining it. The snowball effect continues because…